Extract from “Decode your sexuality”, published in May 2007 by Souffle d’Or editions. Philippe Lévy – EDB Lyon.
Our human organism (psyche, brain, organs) uses nine different languages to express itself and perceive information.
Each language brings advantages and limitations. By understanding them and using them consciously, you will have nine opportunities to decode and understand your biological unconscious.
This language takes place in reality. By studying the real component, we will understand the elements of our unconscious puzzle. By learning to observe carefully our reality of life, what surrounds us, what bases our daily actions, we will obtain a lot of information about ourselves. We call these connections between this reality and our unconscious synchronicities … although it is sometimes difficult to show them. The real language is the one that we perceive concretely with our 5 senses, with the minimum of mental filter, distortions or possible interpretations. This language is accessible with factual questions:
– What really happened?
– When did it take place?
– Where was?
– With who?
– What did you say exactly?
– What exactly did he tell you?
– What’s the name of this street ?
– What is the make of this car?
– In which room did the water flow?
– What is your profession?
Close to real language, it refers to another reality, that of our biology. Biological analyzes, diagnostics, medical tests, etc. They are the expression of it. Sometimes it’s a scattered language. An “injured limb” should specify: where? To the right or to the left ? When does it hurt? Etc.
Regarding these first two languages, the data is always measurable, quantifiable and precise. Both languages have similar advantages and disadvantages.
By describing what is outside of me, I avoid identifying with my state of mind. This descriptive exercise gives me a certain clarity of mind. If, for example, I am obsessed with a disease, I will see the doctor who explains it to me in a statistical way, describing the referenced symptoms.
Feeling recognized and understood calms me down.
If I realize that my discomfort is related to the construction of a high voltage pylon near my home, the facts are clear and I understand the cause of my symptoms. When there is a problem, I need to inspect the reality. This is what will allow me to find the appropriate solutions. I like to study hard facts.
The downside of both of these languages is that they can trick us with the occurrence of events. The problem is the other … so I don’t have to question anything.
This disease is cataloged so I already know the content of my future. I have 6 months to live… I am trapped by the diagnosis. Before, as I didn’t know, I could live with hope. Now all is lost.
It may be the fault of the high voltage pylon but maybe it never worked!
It is then that I find myself submissive, immersed in this external reality. This language can prevent contact with resentment since it is only an external description and can lead to psychological rigidity. Beyond the facts, it does not interest us. Not everything that is irrational has the right to exist …
To train you in these two languages:
Differentiate the facts from their interpretations.
Check the information. Maybe these are just rumors …
Don’t assume that someone is the holder of the truth because of their age, status, or because they have a title. Being able to question things as much as necessary.
Experience things for yourself.
Don’t get carried away by complicated words or certain terminology. Check its meaning.
This language is by definition neither logical nor reflexive. It is a seemingly meaningless association of ideas. This language is both that of creativity and that of nonsense. It is through this language that we can understand our memories, our conflicts, our adaptations. It is specific to each individual, unless two individuals have the same conflict history.
If I say “pink” what do you think? … green, ah, pain, breakage, speed … It’s something irrational. Now, after a personal interview, someone will be able to tell you: “After a difficult break, I took the car, I skidded in a ravine, next to a field of roses. And when I got out of the car, the nettles stung me. The inconsistency of the principle takes on its full meaning in the context of a traumatic memory.
This language is a quick and efficient entry point that allows us to access our biological unconscious. Biological predicates are elements of this language (I can’t take it anymore – renal system, it’s the last straw – digestive system, I’m up to it – head, nervous system). Even if you try to be totally rational, there will always be irrational elements that emerge as your subconscious is constantly seeking to express itself and to free itself. This language is also a gateway to transgenerational conflicts.
Very often the irrational is unbearable and we try to justify it at all costs. This language is a source of mental confusion and the absence of referents. “Because I’m sorry, it’s true” might sum up the basis of this language and where it can take us. How many people value the vision of others more than their own ?! This language is full of false realities, beliefs, superstitions, rumors. In general, if I have had the same bad experience twice in a certain context, I will tend to create a negative conclusion as a generality, which becomes totally irrational.
To practice this language:
Allow you to associate freely, without censorship, with all the words that come to you. Or you will get logical words that refer to your cultural, intellectual or family space. Or, you will get illogical words that refer to memories and conflicts. In my experience, the gift of creativity in this area is often a metaphorical adaptation to conflict.
“The world is a huge picture book. Reassuring images when we are convinced that they bear witness to what we call reality, disturbing images when we believe that they only express an appearance, prodigious images when the mind makes them transparent and which leads us , astonished, on the other side of reality ”Georges Romey.
Symbolic language is linked to the collective and cultural unconscious; some building blocks seem to be similar to a lot of people. While irrational language belongs to only one individual, symbolic language belongs to several people.
Certain values recognized by all have a precise but symbolic scope: the independence of the cat, a black cat as the bearer of bad luck, etc. This reality refers to a cultural, historical, geographic, social or family memory. Thus, hundreds of images / symbols link the visible to the invisible, in all cultures. The image precedes the language which precedes the writing which precedes the grammar. The baby’s brain perceived millions of images before it could add words or phrases to them. Millions of scenes come from our ancestors without us being able to juxtapose other words. However, my therapeutic experience shows me its accessibility on a daily basis.
There are no isolated symbols but rather a symbolic organization that must be deciphered, like our neural networks. The interpretation of the myths, cultures and customs of different civilizations has allowed us to translate many symbols. Only personal experience contributes to a better understanding of this wonderful area.
A symbolic scene is interpreted through similarities and associations of images. I dream of an older man, bearded and smoking a pipe, sitting in a red armchair. Armchair, man, old age, pipe, rouge and beard are elements that have precise references for me.
What are? What are the links between them? Is the scene static or dynamic? What is my general impression after this dream? Pleasant, uncomfortable, disturbing …? By answering all these questions, I will be able to access a new key to my story.
Symbols can be classified into several families: colors, minerals, animals, characters, pieces, shapes, stars, names, elements of nature, movements, etc.
If we take the word “rose”, it can symbolically represent love, passion but also childhood, youth, the beginning, frivolity …
Just as you have understood the bridges between the Real and the Biological, so it is between the Irrational and the Symbolic. The limits which separate the two notions are subtle and difficult to differentiate. To use symbolic language, it is necessary to have some knowledge in areas such as the history of religions, Christian, Jewish, Arab, Hindu, Native American, etc. Investigating the symbolism to which we culturally belong allows meaningful symbols to emerge. Discovering and understanding these symbols can open up relevant horizons linked to important stages of our psychic life and our essential development. For that, I refer you to the works of Carl Jung, Annick de Souzenelle and George Romey.
The advantage of this language is that it allows you to connect to something more important, bigger than yourself. It is an immense source of personal and transpersonal culture which only requires our motivation to deepen it and fully exploit it.
This culture is often associated with the world of Marketing and Advertising. This language helps us understand our likes and dislikes. It allows us to explore what we keep from our culture even when we think we are not part of it.
The drawbacks are reminiscent of those of irrational language since the temptation to use symbolic language to justify our discomfort is greater than to do an effective work of introspection.
Superstitions and beliefs can inhibit or hinder the work of personal exploration. To refer to a literary interpretation rather than a discovery of oneself …
Examples of irrational and symbolic language
I have the Chanel perfume n ° 5
i don’t like beer
I loved such a movie
i hate this actor
The dream that I would like to realize is …
My last dream was …
To practice analyzing these symbols, just ask yourself a few questions:
What is bothering me?
If I imagine that this person or object is against me, how do I feel?
If I could have this in abundance, what would happen to me?
What does each of the elements that make up the scene represent for me? You can also analyze and feel your dreams, desires, likes and dislikes, metaphors you use, etc.
What is semantics? It is science that studies the meaning of words.
“Each word responds by its form and sound to a personal image for each reader – revealing its past, its culture, its living environment, its society – how to see its objective, absolute content? How can we strip the word of the color with which we wrap it as we please? ”
Yves Monin (the language of birds)
Keep in mind that each linguistic sign has two sides:
1.- The signifier or the material part of the sign
2.- The meaning or the mental image that the signifier suggests.
This language is the language of words in the literal sense. These are words within words. Our brain registers words, their double meanings and their similarities. Here are some examples:
“I ate a chestnut, this life is disgusting”
“At home, it’s common to do that”
“He is still vegetating”
“I’m doing this to warm my family”
“The house is a burden on me”
“I’m not up to the task in this situation”
“I am a destoyer with myself”
“I’m always too busy to read”
“He always comes home when he thunders”
“I always go like a motorcycle”; “I always go with the turbo on” (patients with thyroid problems)
“I live in a drowning situation” (lung problems)
Etymology of certain names
Incarna -> reincarnation
Amparo -> I am the protection of my family
Solitude -> I like to live alone
Dolores, Enlightened, Help, Pau, Anguish, Perpetual, Peace
Dawn -> at dawn
Slip Linguae
It is a shepherd animal (German)
There were two deaths in today’s funeral (closing)
The attacks are accidents (a slip of the tongue by our Prime Minister, what did he mean?
In a rugby match, the commentator says: “for pigs this kick is difficult (for lefties)
Syllable inversion
Chacarer and sculpt! (Shut up and listen!)
The separation of words
I live in the present: the hour
It’s cursed: badly said
This language allows us to enrich our relational listening, not to be naive in the face of contradictions, slips, expressions and our unconscious in relation to what we wanted to say or not to say. It invites us to discover other meanings of a text or an expression.
Words open up new clues or areas of our unconscious, but let’s be careful because knowledge is not enough to unblock our conflicts. A map of Spain does not exempt us from undertaking the journey. It is the same with our unconscious …
To practice this language:
Listen and let the words resonate with you, especially the ones we barely hear. Repeat them aloud several times and listen to the words again …
This language was obvious to me and important to consider after listening to my young patients and my own children. The universe of books, television, computers, cinema is so close to reality that it can induce shocks and particular psychic constructions.
For adults, this virtual language can be the link between an illusion, a dream and reality. This language can also instill beliefs and false realities. “If it’s said on TV, it’s true.” This language determines different audiences and generates a particular culture. I often find it illusory to cut with it, or to force our children to cut with it. Some breaks are healthy, especially when you feel more fragile, vulnerable and permeable on the inside.
This language offers a large amount of information in a very short time. It can encourage us to observe the reasons for our attractions and our reluctance towards certain words or images.
It puts us in contact with different cultures, sometimes even at the planetary level. It helps us bond with people.
This language can make us confuse the virtual with the real. It plunges us into the illusion of the link.
Ensuring that television takes care of our children transforms them into spectators rather than actors, more passive than active in relation to their environment.
To practice this language:
We are so stimulated everywhere by the components of this language that it is difficult not to find it and to start mastering it even without realizing it.
Staying informed, changing channels, is a way of training: TV, radio, internet, newspapers, cinema …
Note: It is sometimes difficult to differentiate between symbolic, irrational and virtual languages. When I analyze a film or a report, what bothered me? The real elements of the film? The cinema room? The scenario? Players?
Body language is how the body is structured and organized from birth and possibly in utero. Bioenergy talks a lot about it, under the aegis of the work of W. Reich, A. Lowen, and other therapists and researchers. These approaches focus on posturology, muscle chains, fascia or certain bone and joint techniques, Chinese energy, etc., they update the armor that the body has built to defend itself and adapt to emotional, relational or social stresses. A breastplate is like a hard, waterproof envelope that desensitizes our body. It is the expression of an emotional blockage and certain sensations. Depending on the type of conflict it is related to and the age at which it forms, muscles in certain parts of the body contract and harden.
The pelvic breastplate blocks the free circulation of the pelvis and the genitals, and therefore, our vitality.
The abdominal breastplate is linked to the need to control, to hold back and to feelings of emptiness.
The thoracic armor is a protective armor, it manifests itself in blocked breathing and a rigid spine; the individual becomes rigid so as not to suffer. It has a knot on the chest.
The armor of the head hides certain emotions such as sadness, anger or terror; the muscles of the neck, cheekbones, mouth and eyes tighten.
To these elementary shields are added those linked to behavioral or postural identifications. These include parental armor (we are physically similar to our parents), group armor (phenomenon of fashions, rituals), appearance armor (need to exist according to the gaze of the other) and armor social related to conformism, to which is socially acceptable.
We can deduce from this that the body is an environment which is constantly expressed in its structure, its muscular masses, the distribution of tensions, the different skin colors, the position of the grains, the shapes of the face, the nails, etc.
Whenever we move our body or someone touches us in multiple ways – friendly, social, sensory, or therapeutic – certain memories can wake us up and confuse us. Thus, by acting on the body, we also act on the brain and the subconscious. There are many bodily mediation techniques that allow patients to contact resentments and release themselves. Everything that affects our body is part of our unconscious reality.
This language invites you to become aware of yourself at the level of your body dynamics: movement, statics, posture, breathing. It involves a presence in your body as an interface between the psychic self and the biological and bodily self. Provides relevant information regarding personal psychic construction. This helps increase resentment.
This language requires a certain culture to avoid stereotypes. Otherwise, it would be tantamount to acting in front of someone on the basis of assumptions of comprehension which we have not verified.
To practice this language:
Any bodily practice can help us understand this language: dance, spontaneous movements …
Observing and training is the best learning: observing automatic gestures, positions in relation to what is being said …
This language makes us understand numbers. This digital reality is very present in our unconscious. It is written very precisely. The guild number can bring us into a specific reality. Our date of birth may echo our family tree. Deaths after birth can signify some conflicting agendas at the transgenerational level. The dates of birth and conception can indicate an atypical Oedipus (lying down, love disturbances, according to Salomon Sellam). Marc Fréchet’s work on memorized cell cycles immerses us fully in digital language.
Here are some aspects:
Autonomy cycle
This great concept of biodecoding allows us to better understand certain events in our life. First, let’s determine when we separated from our parents, when we gained our financial independence, or when we created our own family. It is usually established between 19 and 25 years old. This phase of independence corresponds to a rebirth. Including going through certain difficulties between birth and real autonomy.
For example, Patrick became self-employed at the age of 20. When he was 5, he lost his father in a car accident. At 25, Patrick is deeply hurt by a marital breakdown, his wife left with her best friend. At 45, he lost his job because his job was given to his best friend.
This language makes it possible to understand that certain situations in life occur in a certain order and respond to a specific logic. By establishing memorized cell cycles, we make sense of our past linked to our present. As for our future, it will show us whether our conflicts have been resolved or not …
The second, the third, the fourth, the fifth:
If you take a guitar string, tighten it and vibrate it, you will get a specific sound. If you split that same string in half, you will get the same sound but one octave higher.
While reading a letter written by her companion, Aline, 24, falls into great disarray and ends her life. However, her partner did not mention either the breakup or the breakdown of the relationship. In fact, Aline triggered a very specific event. When she was 12, her father sent her a letter saying he would only see her sporadically.
This example illustrates that one can find major conflicts by dividing the age concerned into 2, 3, 4 or 5.
The months of pregnancy can be accentuated by specific events that can be relived in the corresponding month after birth. If the 3rd month of pregnancy was rich in conflicts, the 3rd month after birth can be lived in a climate of fear and vulnerability.
Heavy pressure on the fetus during the 8th month of pregnancy can manifest as fear or depression in the 8th month after birth.
Depending on whether you were born 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a position in your brotherhood, you may find the importance of this order in your history and your relationships with others. People born into the same order of fraternity will feel an affinity and understand each other better in their problems. A father will have more affinities with the son of the same order of brotherhood as him and may have conflicts with a son of a different order.
Positions 1-4-7, 2-5-8, 3-6-9 are similar.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
The birth order is confused or out of date if there has been a miscarriage or a planned abortion. Transgenerational organizations are enlightened by these ranks of fraternity.
As we have seen, different ages in life can evoke specific memories. The same goes for the house number, license plate, room, etc. Biological parameters also show numbers: biological markers, blood tests, cholesterol levels, etc. All of this is interesting to discover.
This language allows us to access first-rate information that acts with surprising logic. It brings out all the richness and consistency of organic language.
Chance does not exist and this logic of numbers proves it in many situations. Accessing our family tree in this way is an additional source of knowledge.
Sometimes these calculations do not work well and it is important to put them in perspective. For example, when the time of autonomy is not clear, it is impossible to use this calculation cycle. And, as with other languages, ditto to avoid … using these numbers to justify failure instead of unlocking it.
To practice this language:
Studying and researching the date of death, birth, conception (approximately 9 months before birth) in our transgenerational tree allows us to determine our unconscious relationships with our ancestors.
Study our life history and memorized biological cycles.
Realize all the numbers in your life especially when they are repeated.
We can observe that a circumscribed number of people belonging to a system are subjected to unconscious forces which lead them to behave, to speak, to make choices, to live in a certain way. The family level: It is characterized by expressions and phrases which, within the family, have a particular and concrete meaning, either because they come from a tradition, or because they come from curious expressions. children when they learn to speak.
This language corresponds to our biological resentment within our family. When we are at our parents’ house or at a family celebration, we often experience automatic behaviors. Have you noticed how much your voice changes when talking to your mom or dad? Do you play the role of a baby, a child, an adult, a father or a grandfather?
This language is an opportunity to find out what has really changed in your family situation.
Family language is conditioned by the social and cultural group in which a certain family fits and by the mentality of its members, which make them accept or reject linguistic uses.
In general, in the family language, we use the familiar level, which is the one that uses the greatest number of speakers, but in each family there is a specific language. We all practice this level of language in our day-to-day relationships, for example, when chatting with someone we trust enough. It is characterized by the richness and variety of words:
Now, now, now
Everything, everything, complete,
In the systemic sphere, we observe the presence of language:
Exclusions: everything that is excluded (language, country, religion, ideology, artistic or intellectual gifts, people, children, etc.) is called to be re-included 2, 3, 4 generations later. This is, among other things, the problem of secrets. There are many possibilities of exclusion within the problems of mourning, problems derived from unspeakable acts, incest, illegitimate births, adultery, suicides, murders, convictions by justice, mental illnesses, certain diseases such as tuberculosis, alcoholism. , etc. Anything that was not linked through a recognition, in a word, a date, risks continuing to wander within the family or business system, in the form of a “ghost”, of a an “amorphous disturbance.”
The curses. The “bad-saying” of oneself or of someone leads, more or less in a short time, to manifest in his own body the “bad-sayings”, within the body of the one who said them or of the one who said them. ‘one of his descendants. You curse someone by saying or making them feel:
“It’s your fault I married your father”,
“If you weren’t born, I would have made a success of my career”,
“If your father left, it’s because of you”,
“You are like your uncle, you will end up in the asylum”,
“Besides, in the first place, you are not a wanted child”,
Or another version:
“It’s an accident”, in reference to a conceived child or when it is an accident in which a child dies, tell the survivor:
“I wish you were the only one to die” … and all the other forms of curses.
There are a lot of curses in relationship and separation issues, divorces. A subtle form of curse is to tell the son so many bad things about his father, or about his mother, that the part of him that comes from the “cursed” father or mother is necessarily experienced as absolute evil.
The recognition of a curse makes it possible to pass to a blessing: “blessing”, “say well”, say good.
Complex and confused situations. They are often the result of pre-existing problems. A confusion is the situation in which a person finds himself when the familiar language is not clear and on the contrary it is expressly confused so as not to be justified. For example, a person is identified with another person, with an ancestor, a deceased son, an executioner, a victim, a missing person, an injured person, a cause of accident, a hero, a mental patient, a deceased twin, etc. Many think of a similarity without saying it.
Another type of confusing situation in the family is when members of a family do not speak to each other directly, although if they do so with others, the children are used as intermediaries or to express criticism of the family. of the spouse.
The laws of the family: in a family there are ethical and moral laws. We do not know all these laws, but the family cultural heritage that our ancestors left us, allows us to come into contact with them. Some family laws are:
“Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you.”
“Your neighbor’s space begins where yours ends”
The disastrous paradigms. These are ways of thinking that can only lead to the worst. To give a cartoonish example, the person who says: “Since my past was terrible, my present can only be bad and my future even worse!”, Could perhaps establish himself as an expert in the art of misfortune and hardly You will be able to accept your life as full of happiness. The same is true with people who believe that the harm someone has done to them determines their state of anxiety or stress. It is not the harm done to you that determines your unhappiness, but what you do with it.
Experience shows that when the grandparents have experienced a trauma without being able to “digest” (we would say “elaborate”), the parents “psychologize” the trauma and their children somatize it in the form of more or less serious disorders.
A few examples: it is not uncommon to see a child carry the anger and verbiage of his grandparents, or even of his great-grandparents, that is to say the parents of his grandparents, this which can lead to liver problems, unexplained allergies, or even diabetes (conflict between two grandmothers).
Example: a woman never recovered from the loss of her husband during the civil war. Three generations later, her granddaughter is unable to start a household. Whenever she succeeds in starting a relationship for whatever reason, she leaves him, as if sending him back somewhere else.
A transgenerational constant that it is important to consider: one marries a spouse whose family is the reflection of the other’s own family; it is a kind of mirror effect, in the hope of freeing the system. There, two ways of speaking come together, of communicating verbally and non-verbally which can be very different and lead to confusion.
This language makes it easier to see one’s place in the family and transgenerational hierarchy.
How did your family members solve similar problems you are having today? What were the professions, the behaviors, the partners of our ancestors?
Knowing your ancestors is knowing how our biology works.
You may feel limited by family loyalty. Some therapeutic releases can be a conflict in the family unconscious.
Example: Patrick would like to be more satisfied with his sexuality. If he succeeds, he will have to oppose a line of priests and men without sexuality.
Synchronicities and the Nines
“Chance is the means that God uses to travel incognito” A. Einstein
Understanding these nine languages allows us to enter the realm of synchronicity. Carl Jung was the first to define this notion in the context of his psychoanalytic practice.
Here are some elements of understanding drawn from my experience. Something happens suddenly outside of any apparent logic in time and space. This event carries a precise meaning that belongs to the observer or to the group linked by the same reality (family clan, work group, etc.). Each language carries synchronicities. For example, Alain has a car accident on July 13, 2000, his car is a Peugeot 206 and he injures his left shoulder on rue Bât d’Argent in Lyon. If we consider the 9 languages that we have just seen, Alain must understand all these realities present at the time of the accident and give it meaning in the light of his life history. This will allow you to deprogram: any chronic pain, any fear or excessive emotion in your car, any accidental repetitions in the future, etc.
It will not be a question of giving a simple metaphysical explanation to satisfy a search for meaning which does not lead to real change. Rather, it will be an inner search that will lead to a new understanding of oneself, of one’s life, of one’s personal and possibly transgenerational history.
Different trends in psychology (Freud, Jung, Reich, Erickson …) and in neurobiology (Damasio, Changeux, Hamer) have made it possible to give different meanings to the unconscious.
In the light of this abundant information, it is clear that the exploration of our unconscious allows:
Get information about yourself, your life, your childhood, your family
Unlock psychic and physical conflicts
Discover new resources
To be in relation on a personal and transgenerational level
1- The in utero stage: child side
Notions of fingerprints:
What the embryo, then the fetus, will experience during this period is essential for its future personal and relational development.
The emotional and psychological shocks and the affective environment of the mother, the taking of medicines, drugs, tobacco, high blood pressure, etc., all of this leaves “marks”, called traces, which are inscribed in the system. nervous.
In the mother’s womb: For the Chinese it is “the sky before”
He is in touch with his mother’s resentment because he is in fusion with her; he is a being of pure sensation: he will be in symbiosis with him in a natural way. Some studies show that the child has dreams at the same time as the mother, and that they can even be the same dreams. The child is in contact with all the emotions of his mother. Their emotions have a chemical support, but they are registered above all in a field directly linked to the vital energy of mother and child.
However, the fetus also has its personal, identity experience; in reality, it is in a very particular interior environment and it is more correct to speak of a fetal environment than of a uterine environment.
Indeed, when the embryo reaches the uterus, it is composed of two layers. One layer will give the amniotic sac and its fluid, and the other will give the future fetus. The fetus is thus at home, in a universe conducive to life and its development. It has at its disposal all the elements to nourish itself and ensure its growth thanks to the umbilical cord, which connects within the placenta and to the mother. On the other hand, when we talk about the mother / child relationship, we must not forget that this cord does not have the function of uniting, but of exchanging.
The fetal environment is characterized by homogeneity and constancy, when the pregnancy proceeds normally, and is the scene of a real interior life for the fetus, a long life in the mother’s body for 9 long months.
This inner life will be organized around the highly developed receptivity to the sensations of the fetus, as we now know. This sensory activity gradually builds the neuronal structure of the future baby.
To get closer to this sensoriality we have to get out of our adult patterns: we associate the object that stimulates it with a sense, like the sounds of the mother’s body in the fetus’ ear. It should be understood that for the fetus there are no objects, because no matter how much they are in contact, there is no awareness of their nature, it only perceives the sensations. It is in pure sensation.
All the sensations that the fetus perceives are essential because they are the sensations that the brain makes that create the neural structures. These sensations are integrated as experiences and constitute an extremely dense synaptic arborization, already at birth.
Development month by month
At the end of the first month:
Organ sketch
Spine training
Basics of the central nervous system
At the end of the second month:
The embryo becomes a fetus
Sexual differentiation
Clearer picture of body parts
The digestive tract and all the vital organs are formed, even if they are not yet mature.
Initiation to ossification
At the end of the third month:
Urine appears
Members are well trained
Different systems continue to develop
At the end of the fourth month:
The immune system is activated
Joints form
The fetus takes on the features of a human
At the end of the fifth month:
Fast growing months
First movements the mother can feel
At the end of the sixth month:
Significant weight gain
Harmonization of body proportions
At the end of the seventh month:
The baby is viable
The testicles descend into the scrotum
At the end of the eighth month:
The respiratory system is finished
Movements of the spinning baby
His head appears in the canal
At the end of the ninth month:
Less movement because space is reduced
Liberation, the authentic impulse of life
Birth: the first independence at the respiratory level
Thus, for 9 months, under normal conditions of pregnancy, the fetus does not know anything about first level conflicts, about “catching the bite”. He is umbilical cord fed and has exactly what he needs. Under conditions of conflict, it will be very different.
The baby in fusion with his mother, will be in contact with what his mother is going through, what can become for the future baby, a programmer, supposed to echo his transgenerational history.
What matters is above all the symptom. If it doesn’t speak to the person, it won’t help. We are in human complexity. Be very careful when something has been induced.
Estrogen and progesterone levels increase.
The hormonal change is also due to the secretion of the placenta.
The new hormonal balance is not controlled by the mother, but by the baby.
The body goes into vagotonia: pregnancy is a natural “tumor” of the endoderm, which the body must be able to accept. The body has two months after conception to necessarily pass into the state of vagotonia.
The survival of the species is more important than the individual: all preconception conflicts are ruled out and the mother must forget to let life stop. The child takes care of his center of gravity, which is off-center for the benefit of his baby. It is a fetal survival program written in the mother’s womb.
If the mother experiences biological shock during pregnancy, she goes into sympathicotonia, which involves vasoconstriction and decreased blood flow to the uterus. The resulting uterine contractions can lead to miscarriage or fetal pain (depending on the intensity of the contractions). If there is fetal distress, the baby will be deprived of food during this time and may suffer from a lack, lack of security (later, at birth, he may suffer from nodules in the liver, jaundice, etc.)
Most of the symptoms during pregnancy are symptoms of vagotonia. If the woman is in sympathicotonia, there will be no pregnancy or, if not, it will lead to a natural abortion.
At the time of childbirth, the mother is in vagotonia until the first uterine contractions; childbirth is sympathicotonia: the mother awakens at this time all the pre-conception conflicts and her experiences during pregnancy (except those due to pregnancy or childbirth). The same is true for miscarriages and voluntary terminations of pregnancy.
Baby blues: the mother comes into sympathy with all these conflicts from which she had withdrawn.
– Child: mydriasis – in vagotonia
– Girl: miosis – in sympathicotonia
Resentment: since he has a biological life, he has biological resentment.
Double resentment from conception to birth = resentment towards your mother + resentment of her mother.
He is angry with his mother because he is in fusion with her; it is a place of pure emotion: he will be in symbiosis with her so as not to be rejected (if his mother is afraid, he will be afraid; if she is angry, he will be too). He will have the same dreams as his mother and the dream is a genetic reprogramming of the individual (PR. Jouvet).
What he wants: “Mum is afraid = I am afraid + I am guilty”; “Mom is angry = I’m angry + I’m scared”, etc.
The fetus also has its own personal, identity experience – indeed, from conception, biological programs are carried out, so conflicts are possible. The fetus focuses on itself its emotions, those of the mother, as well as those of the father (and the whole environment). Through experiences he develops in “permission to build” with consciousness on different planes.
Example: your mother stops smoking during pregnancy: withdrawal in the child (difficult).
His hearing from the sixth month is excellent, he hears 5 times better than us: he hears cries and the sound of water: kidney problems, for example.
Resentment is growing: a year seems long when you’re a child and shorter and shorter as you get older. Therefore, in the womb, a year is endless. The child will then have his resentment and that of his mother, all for an infinite time.
Experience at birth: when the child is born, it also emerges, in part at least, from the fusion with its mother; After his birth, when he is in sympathicotonia, he will enter into vagotonia of the conflicts which belong to his mother.
It’s life’s most important epic crisis.
Contractions, expulsion, etc. There is a whole sequence in childbirth, what does that cause? All programs since its own birth. The woman who gives birth is immediately connected to another important birth: her own. It is also linked to that of other ascendants according to their birth order and the order of their pregnancies, as it is linked to all other births: their grandmother, great-grandmother, etc. This can support a trigger or schedule conflict.
The maturity of the adrenal gland of the child causes childbirth.
Pregnancy begins with the action of the gonads, continues with that of the kidneys, and ends with the adrenal gland.
Eraser and inkwell
Birth: separation often accompanied by assault.
In some cases, it is important to counsel the person to positively relive their birth as a psychomagic act.
- Overweight: at birth (4 to 6 kg), this means that the mother fed him a lot. The child will have a problem with the quantity and will risk being in permanent demand. Likewise, the mother will have the desire to keep the child (symbiotic relationship) and it will be more difficult to separate from the child.
Umbilical cord around the neck: unconsciously the mother wants to strangle her child. Es necesario ver porqué, ya que, a través del niño, puede ser que la madre quiera matar, por ejemplo, has a hermano, a una hermana o in relation to alguien con quien la madre is in conflicto conscious or unconscious (ver posiciones numéricas of birth).
Premature birth: the mother expels the child prematurely. Children are not satisfied and are always chasing the other to complete, looking for a part of the other to complete. We can suggest to the person to symbolically live the remaining months of the pregnancy (in the situation of mother or fetus).
Prolonged childbirth: the mother wants to support the child. Children find it difficult to make decisions because they need a lot of time, they have to meditate a lot before action. To see also from the side of the child if there is not a great desire not to go out to remain united to the mother.
Cesarean section: more and more…. The mother, subjected to a cesarean section, is deprived of the birth of her child. See the medical reason for the cesarean section (umbilical cord around the neck, timeout, space too narrow, doctor’s comfort, etc.). A woman born by cesarean section may be negotiating for her own vagina (they then have vaginal pathologies), because she will not have contact with the skin of her mother’s vagina. In this case, a birth massage in cm should be done. to cm. so that the person regains contact as it should have been at the time of birth.
Forceps: dynamic of waiting until the last moment. Help always comes from outside because without the help of others, they died. There are other possible problems like wanting to be merged with the mother and not wanting to leave: foreign aid is negative because that is what broke the relationship with the mother.
Natural, spontaneous abortion: in addition to the problems experienced by the woman in the event of termination (voluntary or not) of the pregnancy (see IVE and Pregnancy), it seems true that the pregnancy is often twins and that there is elimination one or more fetuses. The person who survives is very often in search of eternal love, of his soul mate and can also experience the guilt of having survived (kinesiology tests). Grieve as quickly as possible at the risk of devoting your life to finding someone else, something which does not make life as a couple easier. Despair Anorgasmia (the uterus carries information about death).
IVE (Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy): puts the woman in a deep conflict which can drag her throughout her life. The woman can stay in the masculine that she had started to develop to defend her baby (see pregnancy). Then you can experience the separation from the male and gain weight (it is sometimes said that this weight gain corresponds to the weight of the child). The CVI keeps the woman in the memory of a pregnant woman, that is, in a male program. It can remain a more or less conscious aggressiveness with respect to the man and “transmit” the program to the child who will come later (fear of death, rejection of the man, etc.). Very often conflict to the death. There can be a very strong conflict with the man, especially if he is the originator of the decision, or if the surgeon is a man. The CVI can also be a programmer or a trigger for men because it can also move them, whether they are responsible or victims. A man may also have to mourn an aborted child.
In vitro fertilization: in the case of multiple pregnancies, when the parents want 2 children and 3 arrive, they wonder which of the 3 does not plan to live (and therefore has a death program).
Contractions during pregnancy. If the woman experiences shock, she returns to sympathicotonia. There may be fetal distress or even fetal death. Contractions of the uterus, as if he wanted to expel this child.
Uterine contractions: Pain and lack of space for the fetus: then the biological solution is to give birth before the contractions.What did the pregnant woman’s own mother experience during this month of pregnancy?
All these shocks which are not very strong will be put aside. Until the moment of childbirth when she returns to sympathicotonia, and all the stress that has not been sorted out during pregnancy is revealed, which can lead to depression, baby blues, etc.
Edema: In vagotonia: Resolution of certain conflicts, recovery of a place in society or in the family.
If a woman has problems with castration, she will sort out part of her problem during pregnancy because she is male at that time. Edema is often present, but not in early pregnancy. According to Hamer, the edema does not last nine months, just long enough to resolve the conflict. What is difficult to accept, or to manage? ”Why is there an active conflict? The uterine relay is in the center of the brainstem. The first three months with vomiting, in this also “what is difficult to accept?”
Bleeding: “I want to kill someone.” MTF breaks the blood connection between my father and his wife. I want to put the clot outside.
Phlebitis: A clot walks around and with the therapist he performs the agglutination with his mother, his mother-in-law and wants to eliminate it. He makes a clot and passes it through the veins to put it outside. Then the clot dissolves. If there is a drop in platelets, stress yourself out.
Clot: Bleeding during the previous childbirth.
Anemia: Iron deficiency. I don’t want to take oxygen, life to the other.
Hemorrhoids: Good sign of identity, “deyoism” (demoyage)
Make room for baby’s new identity
Lots of milk:
Example: during pregnancy there is amniocentesis; fear for the baby, protect it, then make milk.
Descaling or demineralization: what am I no longer good at?
Incompatibility of blood between mother and child: if there are Rhesus problems, it is very conflicting for the mother because she can reject her child. When explained to her, she feels very uncomfortable. Ambiguity related to pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancies
What story does this symptom tell us? My work proposal, which is open, because what I propose is to create awareness, freedom and healing, it is multiple sclerosis, because there are small muscles with small eyelashes in the tubes which speak of this desire for pregnancy and which will carry this egg to accommodate the space, the tubes, the muscles. The woman wants, but at the same time she doesn’t want: “I want a child and I don’t want one. Part of his brain gives the order to his ciliated muscles to carry the egg to the host part, to this palate. At the same time, another part of her brain, for other reasons, rejects this pregnancy, because of the nights, financial problems, custody problems, work.
Both desired and feared pregnancy.
Sexual relationship full of resentment in violence.
“The house is too small to accommodate a child.”
Who is the father? My husband? My lover?
Ectopic pregnancy: being pregnant within the norm is a source of conflict.
My accommodation is too small; my room is the uterus, and if I don’t have a room, my son will settle in the tubes.
The child decides to lock himself in, in a place that is not intended for that. The conflict: pregnancy is both wanted and feared.
Family of 7 people in a small apartment. The future baby knows subconsciously that if he arrives he will create a space problem, he will not have his place in the family. The mother, when she talks about her future baby, will have no place in the family. The mom spoke to her unborn baby, explaining that they would get ready and that she would have her place, that she would be welcome … and the next day, the egg was in her place.
Pregnancy toxemia: Fear of death, of dying during pregnancy, of provoking: someone is going to die. The placenta becomes toxic.
Serious problem: during childbirth, hemorrhage + HTN + edema + possible epilepsy + kidney problem, etc.
“I want to kill someone”
It’s the placenta. For both. “I want to kill someone.” I want to kill my husband, my father. Hypertension. Seizures related to hypertension.
Breech birth: I teach who I am. Maybe I was expected as a boy. Or “the exterior is dark, trail on tiptoe.”
Cesarean: too violent, too early. My house, safe.
Braking. Fear of going forward.
Born with forceps: you always need to be helped.
One downside, all is well, he needs help from the outside because his delivery went well. The other very masculine, always wants to manage everything, refuses to be helped.
The second depends on whether the baby was removed with the forceps. If you’ve had a really bad time, you won’t want to be helped.
Delays in labor: I don’t want to go out or it’s the mother who isn’t ready. During the 9 months, the child has two sensations, his own and that of the mother. Some works show that the child dreams like the mother, and can even dream the same dreams. The child is in contact with all of the mother’s emotions. At birth, he will be able to dissociate himself from it. She has motherly resentment and hers. Both resentments pass into the consciousness of the child.
Esophageal atresia: the esophagus that does not communicate between the mouth and the stomach; the mother thinks the baby will need only her. I will give him everything with my blood.
PLACENTA: Etym., Cake. Like a twin who had given his life. Bury the placenta and plant a tree to find its place. The placenta allows communication with the mother. If the mother is in conflict, the placenta fights to protect the child,> autism, mediumship.
Premature placental stall (30%): The woman is happy to be pregnant and slows down at the same time: “70% I want my baby to be in touch with me and 30% I don’t.
It is the belief that it is bad for the child. The child is carried by two uteri at the same time. She judges that the mother-child relationship is toxic, dangerous for the child.
Previous placenta
The placenta is placed over the internal opening of the cervix, blocking the passage of the fetus during childbirth.
“I protect the child from rape, from the father or from any assault. ”
“I have planned everything except the unforeseeable.
Light eggs: mother with a great desire to have children and father with a great desire not to have children. There may be an ambiguity about the desire for a maternal child. Excessive reception. Without personality, without project. We have to make them work on clarifying.
It is a SPECIAL FORM OF LOSS OF CONFLICT: wishing a wish for a child, being pregnant with a wish for a child.
Mola: it is a pathological ovum characterized by a process both hyperplastic (cell multiplication) and dystrophic and by a vascular dysfunction which attacks the chorionic villi (compared to the chorion).
Molar pregnancy: it is a globule which is fertilized or not … There is orientation of the sperm.
Placental cancer: placental chorioepithelioma.
If a person is born after one or two deceased children, their PLACENTA MUST BE MORE IMPORTANT.
“I AM NOT SURE I WILL HAVE A PREGNANCY. Then you need more food, more placenta so that there is more nutritional exchange between mother and baby.
Umbilical cord around the neck
In his life, people who have had the umbilical cord around their neck are captured in the neck; the solution is not to take liquid with you: it kills; At most with the bank card it is bearable, but you cannot have money, this vital blood which is due is a bond which suffocates me; So if there is money, if I make money, I’m going to drown, because it’s the umbilical cord blood that’s drowning me.
The child must be sacrificed for the couple to live.
The child must die for the couple to stay together. If the child comes to threaten the balance of the couple. The child can be a problem for the couple.
Block to prevent pregnancy. ”
Infertility: to have remained a child.
Inability to assume the role of an adult. We stay in the infantile stage:
“A child does not have children.” We can also look for the notion of parents preventing their child from growing up.
“I am a captive of (a situation …)”,
“What is my cage, to whom, to what am I a prisoner?”
Refusal to pass on the familiar set,
It is best not to subconsciously pass on inherited issues.
Conflict to make our children relive these horrors.
The exodus continues, diaspora, genocide, war, rape.
Ex: “Old memory of genocide”.
Fear of reality, to embody:
Devalue the fact of not being able to seduce the other. Danger of seducing. Loss of territory. The nest is not ready.
Fear of death related to pregnancy or childbirth.
Conflict of procreation = fear of dying once fathered.
Not having the moral right to have sex.
Mrs. X is incapable of having children: “I do not have the right to procreate”; it is the prohibition of incest, of symbolic incest. Dates of birth should be noted. This woman marries a man twenty years her senior. We can look at which day or month of birth it can correspond, it can concern the father or the elder brother.
A woman comes in, sits down, I write my first sentence which is: “There are so many things that I don’t know where to start. He has a family secret problem, his father is not his father, therefore:
I don’t know = notion of secret,
Why = I listen to daddy,
There are so many things = we don’t know what it is, we have a secret,
What, who = it’s also the secret, a question
There are so many = the notion of quantity, I listen to the gonads, the ovaries or the testes
Why start = design problem.
This comes from a problem of sterility, linked to parental secrecy.
If when the person was in his mother’s womb, his parents were in a non-desire for a child (conscious or not), there may be a programming of infertility in their children (the person): “I don’t want to let the child be born. ”
Better not to have children than a disabled child.
“If I have a child, I die.”
The mother’s older sister (aunt number 1) died at the age of 20. Father’s older sister (ditto) died at the age of 25
Her older sister = miscarriage
Conclusion: if he has a child, he will die; then he is sterile but wants to do it for his mother who is under the power of his father: endometriosis
The meaning can be linked to hyperthyroidism in the family: “We have to have children quickly and, to save time, we have two pregnancies in one.
Like the rabbit who has two uteri and begins a new pregnancy when a first pregnancy is already in progress. Rabbits are the fox’s pantry, and you have to do a lot to have few survivors.
In the case of eagles, the first born eats the second. This second therefore comes, for the first, to serve it, to make it a first meal.
In the case of blue parrots, the second is smaller and only survives in the event of the death of the first: it is the reserve child, just in case.
The match can follow a conflict of loss or fear of losing a child: we make a replacement child. In a way, there is one that exists and another that does not, that is, a substitute, in the shadows, in case the first one dies (symbolically, of course).
Example of two brothers: the first is called Côme, the second Pachomius. Chronology: Conception – Childbirth – Lactation – Education of the child
Ideas: what can we ask as a question?
Aesthetic. I do not recognize myself. I’m going to have a belly, shapes, I’m going to deform. Fear in the relationship of couple because of the forms, because I am tired, less desirable.
A different sexuality.
Status of the mother. Don’t look like your mother, don’t be a woman anymore. There is a hormonal change.
Fear that the child is abnormal. (If afraid of encephalitis, angioma in the head, for example).
Fear of losing the child (hyperactive or asthmatic children. He constantly makes noise to show that he is alive. Because the mother does not support his movements, his caresses, but at the same time he experiences it badly and, each time he is alive. ‘he is silent, she is distressed. because he is afraid of dying. All that is respiratory noise, go get this story).
Fear of nausea.
If I’m pregnant, my dad will know I had sex. And despite having been married for 5 years!
Fear of being cheated on because she is not attractive.
Fear of losing his job.
Afraid of losing your freedom.
Fear of dying
Fear of not having it, of suffering or dying at the time of childbirth.
Fear of bleeding, loss of blood. (clot)
Being a mother, if you feel like a child, is impossible.
Women not embodied in his body. Metaphor.
Resentment and neuronal plasticity
Nowadays, it is already necessary for us to introduce the notion of resentment when we speak of Biodecoding since we all know that access to this resentment is the condition for change. We know this because we have seen it, either as therapists or as people who want to improve our lives. We all know how important it is, but we know how?
I don’t pretend to give the answer, however, I would like to share some of my thoughts on words that I love: neurons, synapses, neural plasticity, and other bad words you will discover. First, a few definitions:
NEURONE: a nerve cell that consists of a body and cellular processes, an axon and dendrites. The human being has about a hundred thousand. Neurons, supplied by nerve signals from sensory systems, have four functions: the transmission of external or internal information, the analysis of this information and its possible memorization and, finally, the transmission of the decision to the muscles.
SYNAPSIS: place of connection, place of information exchange between neurons, more precisely between axons and dendrites. Each neuron receives about 10,000 synapses from other neurons. Through these connections, information flows in two ways: electrical and chemical.
A bit of history: it was believed for a long time and it was said that neurons, these nerve cells, do not regenerate in any way, that we were born with a limited capital of these intelligence units, and that from the age of 20 years ago they began to die inexorably. Unfortunately, that’s what a lot of people still think.
And yet, the extraordinary development of neuroscience associated with increasingly precise medical imaging technology has allowed, after twenty years, the discovery of a very different reality: the dogma of the progressive loss of neurons with age. has been questioned when observing neurogenesis in adults. Not only can neurons develop new dendrites for connection purposes, but new neurons can appear. All of these neuronal modifications are called neuronal plasticity.
I agree this has nothing to do with resentment but don’t zap, stay focused, here we are:
The synaptic network begins to establish itself in the mother’s womb and around the time of the birth of the baby approximately 40,000 synapses are established per second. It is like a tree-shaped circuit, an objective characteristic of every perception, of every experience of life. Neuronal plasticity will increase the permanent modification of these synapses depending on the elements experienced.
In his theory of “somatic markers”, Antonio Damasio states: “All perception is associated with a particular somatic state and inscribed in the form of a neural map (synaptic network). The memory of this state helps to produce emotion. The perception would be emotionally neutral. Reading or recalling through particular neural systems of the somatic state associated with traces left in the synaptic network would be a determining element of the emotional experience. ”
Isn’t “the somatic state” what we call “internal bodily sensations? And is it not by being aware of our bodily sensations that we have access to resentment? “Reading or memory …” will it not be the trigger?
This is how we came to Dr. Hamer’s notion of rail, these rails look like synaptic pathways. But what good news the plasticity of these rails!
This means that beyond the innate, and all the basic information, what we acquire with our experiences leaves a mark that changes what was there. Thus, human beings can actively participate in their future, including that of their neural network. It is the emotional state of the person, his resentment, which will allow access to the process which encoded a problem and, at that moment, there will be the opportunity to associate differently and to reorganize the synaptic connections involved.
In practice, since it is a process of transformation, it occurs whenever there is an improvement. To illustrate, I will explain the development of a therapeutic consultation.
Adrien, a 40-year-old man, arrives at the consultation, showing the most generous nature, but with immense sadness in his eyes that makes him look like a romantic teenager. He comes to visit him because he often feels a “void in the soul”, which he finds inappropriate since he claims to have everything necessary to be happy. These states are accompanied by joint pain, sinusitis, the desire to disappear …
I suggest you explain to me the last time this happened to you:
A: “Anteayer, domingo, me levanté con ganas de no levantarme nunca más, me arrastré abrumado por algo insalvable…” El modo indiferente con el que me lo explica denota que no tiene sensaciones, busco el acontecimiento desencadenante: ¿Qué sucedió el sábado the night?
A: “Nothing special, close friends invited us.” This “nothing special” to start the sentence is like having a fly behind your ear. It’s something I hear whenever there is something special. The brain does not differentiate between special and nonspecial. I insist and after a few minutes of reflection:
A: “Yes, the conversation took a strange turn… our friends started arguing… passing accounts… I don’t understand anything, I feel very uncomfortable…” Seeing this change in time and a certain emotion at the end of his nose, I take advantage of it: How do you feel in your body that you are uncomfortable?
A: “I feel that I am collapsing in it, something is eating me inside, it is shrinking” I see him fold up in the armchair, he puts his hands to the side and side of his head (above his ears) , then after a while he puts his finger in his mouth, furiously bites his nails with a distant gaze … for me, he is on a rail, he is in a somatic state accompanied by a coding in the synaptic level, he is in bodily resentment. I continue: How old are you?
A: “Maybe 6 years old, I go in the car with my parents … they fight, I’m afraid … their cries paralyze me … it’s my fault … I have to disappear. .. “His voice is drowned in a sob, at the same time as an indefinable breath emerges which gives me goosebumps (it is my target mark reached). I remain silent, it is imperative to respect this moment of awareness, this moment of resurgence of an escaped reality, then with red eyes it comes back to you:
A: “I had totally forgotten this story … it kept repeating itself in the car, I couldn’t go anywhere, I was stuck.” This last sentence reminds me of his joint pain. But I must not explain anything to you, it seems to come out of a cataclysm and I leave you in this healthy confusion which characterizes a cerebral reorganization. I encourage you to go and rest, it is late in the day.
See you three weeks later, happy to tell me some excellent news: he is no longer biting his nails! One of the symptoms resulting from the somatic state associated with shock is no longer necessary. He shows me his index finger with a nail that has grown. I no longer need a pickaxe! (I forgot to tell you that he is a guitarist) He concentrated his healing on his fingernails but admitted that he had no more “emptiness in the soul” crisis. There were, later, since life always offers us to update an experience, as if to give a final touch to healing. But he quickly neutralized them, since his brain knew the path to relationships. Gradually, these crises completely disappeared, leaving his creativity fully available.
Profound changes are possible and I often see them in the office. My strongly Cartesian side finds it very comfortable that neurobiology confirms our observations. But there is still more: the hope that medicine will make these discoveries and that the foundations will be laid for a new therapeutic path that we will never again qualify as sectarian!
To learn more:
Antonio Damasio: “Descartes’ mistake”, “Spinoza was right” Odile Jacob
Jean Pierre Changeux: “The man of truth” Odile Jacob, “The neuronal man”, Hachette
François Ansermet and Pierre Magistretti: “To each his own brain. Neuronal Plasticity and the Unconscious ”Odile Jacob
Joseph Ledoux: “Neurobiology of personality” Odile Jacob
Boris Cyrulnik: “Of flesh and soul” Odile Jacob
4 levels of organization of the brain to process and memorize information
1. Confusion / perception of information
The basis of the synaptic tree is formed and each life experience is thus transcribed in the form of neural maps. It is a confusing stage in which:
Real = imaginary
Past = present = future
2. Hierarchy / opposition of information
Comparison (limits)
Black / white (problem to solution to problem to …)
Modification of the synaptic tree
3. Association / Similarity of information
Learning stage
Unconscious pathological chains
Specialization and simplification of synaptic arborization
4. Differentiation
Here and now
Balance past (information), present (realization), future (dream, projection)
Reorganization of the synaptic tree
To go further, I give you an appointment:
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www.christianfleche.com (in Spanish)