When it all started, I had no idea where the story would go … but really didn’t …
But when did it actually start?
In the spring of 1991? When I first meet Dr Hamer in Chambéry? No
In 1992? When I offer internships in Chambéry, for students who are not in the medical field? No more
In 1993? When I host my 1st conference in Aix? I do not believe
So in the spring of 1994, when in Marseille, I offered 12 students a 3-day presentation of the biological laws set out by Dr. Hamer? May be …
The following year, those 3 days become 6, to be 3 years today.
Because the school has never stopped evolving, transforming and enriching itself with new practical ideas. In recent years, the focus has been on changing structuring conflicts and pre-conflict: identification.
Decoding does not live in museums or bookstores, but in the streets of our living spaces
The training, at its beginning, was theoretical. Information should I write, to then become practical. Because it is with the arrival of protocols that everything changes and that truly, biological decoding emerges as a concept independent and distinct from the proposals of Hamer, Sabbah, Athias and others.
, But unfortunately, in the minds of many (too many), confusion reigns between biological decoding and the names previously mentioned, the total biology of Dr Sabbah, the new medicine of Dr Hamer when there is much more only differences in common between us.
The differences can be summed up in the term professionalism:
The trainee learns Biodecoding by doing and not by theory, by personal experience and not by the mind
Consequently, the therapy that the patient will receive will be practical, by protocols specific to Biodecoding.
Biodecoding does not reject official medicine, at all, but is complementary to it, and wants to work as a team. No medical diagnosis, nor prescription made by the therapist in Biodecoding or psycho-bio-therapist. If the patient refuses to see a doctor, the psycho-bio-therapist will not receive him
The training is not personal therapy although there is obvious work involved. It is an educational place
The candidate for the validation of psycho-bio-therapist must do therapeutic work, and be accompanied regularly in supervision
The student agrees by signing a code of ethics
The first protocols were directly inspired by NLP (like the time line and the sub-modalities), then gradually become specific to biodecoding. I invented most of them, some were created by Philippe Lévy and myself between 2000 and 2008.
Thanks to Philippe, the school became more structured, since between these two dates we co-hosted most of the seminars together. For his part, he directed a school active in biodecoding in Lyon and Salomon Sellam, in Montpellier. We sometimes brought our three schools together for summer internships. Then, Jean-Guillaume Salles created his decoding school in the Vercors.
In those years, the meetings were warm and enriching between different teachers and researchers in decoding such as Marie Françoise N, Patrick Obissier, Jean Michel and Ida Dalbiez Gérard Saksik, Jean-Jacques Lagardet, PJ Thomas Lamotte, Pierre Julien, Pierre Barbey , to name just a few of the most creative. Two symposia were organized with most of these speakers. The first books in decoding appear under the pens of Salomon Sellam, PJ Thomas Lamotte, P. Obissier and myself from 1999. A review essentially run by S. Sellam, P. Lévy and myself: Cause et sens, presented for a few years files in decoding.
In 2000
I’m writing my first book: my body to heal me,
I create concepts that are radically different from the New Germanic Medicine, and oppose it:
the eraser and the inkwell,
biological predicates,
conflicts locking
the portal for entry into biology,
I meet, for the last time, Dr Hamer in Spain and definitively move away from his positions.
The school is going international, first in Quebec in 2004 and then in Spain in 2008.
The first jealousies appear. Swiss students, organizers (Spain, Barcelona, Paraguay, Argentina, Peru, etc.) proclaim themselves teachers and school principal in decoding. Some students, having registered in their name at the INPI the terms: original biological decoding, bio-decoding, biological decoding, sometimes sue me for using the term “biological decoding”. This is the reason why I speak now of “Biodecoding”.
Several eras have followed one another, step by step:
Alone :
Therapist, some patients
1994: creation of theoretical courses focused on the meaning and origin of diseases: the basics of decoding
Meeting with Marc Fréchet
1998: arrival of practical protocols: dumpling, time line, …
New seminars: NLP, Beliefs, behavioral disorders, intuition and creativity,
Between friends :
A few therapists, more patients helped
Intense and friendly sharing between field therapists: Gérard Saksik, Jean Jacques Lagardet, Philippe Lévy, Pierre Barbey, etc.
2 symposia
A school, the beginning of a structure:
Complete training of therapists
Invention of conflictology courses by P. Lévy and myself, as well as progressive internships to support an unqualified student in the practice of bio decoding
New internship themes co-hosted by Francesco Basile and myself: hypnosis, couple therapy and therapy for children
1999: I write new books
Invention of 3 levels of training with validation of three credentials: counselor, guide, therapist,
My website is online: www.biodecodage.com
Training of trainers in decoding, more international therapists, more and more patients helped,
Internationalization continues in Canada, Switzerland and Spain,
12 of my books translated into Spanish, 1 into English, Polish, 4 into Italian, 2 into Russian.
New teachers in France: Philippe, Marie-Jo, Jean-Guillaume, Pierre-Olivier, Béatrice,
Interviews on radio, on Russian TV and in the French Senate,
Thanks to the passion of local organizers, teaching is offered in new countries: Russia, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Chile, Argentina, Peru, USA, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Ecuador, Venezuela,
Website www.biodecodage.com
Channels Facebook, Youtube
New teachers in Latin America: Stéphanie, Gutberto, Gladys Elena, Ana Maria R, Ana Maria M, Adriana, Katerine, Claudia, Mahé. In the USA: Marie Anne. In France: Mirella Vallance, Annie Roux-Bonnefoy, Brigitte Penot
New cities: 3 in the USA, 4 in Colombia, 2 in Mexico, 5 in France, Reunion Island,
22nd book: “the outside world does not exist”
The reality of the school is:
Evolving, changing and constantly questioning (new concepts)
In accordance with official medicine and the local realities of each country,
Demanding because indirectly responsible for the emotional awareness of the improvement process in many patients,
An open team.
Practical biological decoding is going well; it disseminates hypotheses complementary to allopathy, practical and respectful. Its purpose, from its inception and as long as it will last, is and will be: to help patients regain health.
Every sick person is a healthy person who is unaware of himself.
Practical biological decoding is the poetry of medicine.
Christian Arrow
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www.christianfleche.com (en espagnol)